Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP
Add Feedly to Google Chrome’s RSS Subscription Extension
If you have the RSS Subscription Extension (by Google) installed in Google Chrome, you can add additional services to
MySQL error can’t open file – errno: 24
After some maintenance was done to the virtual host server that one of my virtual servers was running on
Delete messages from the exim mail queue
This post shows how to delete a single message from the exim mail queue and also how to remove
A gotcha with PHP’s PDO::FETCH_CLASS
PHP’s PDO has a nifty way of fetching database records into an object, but there’s a slight gotcha when
Remove extension from a filename with PHP
If you’ve got a filename that you need to remove the extension from with PHP, there are a number
CSS cursor property
CSS :not and :empty selectors to apply styles when an element is empty and not empty
There may be times you need to apply a style if an element is empty, or if it is
PHP PDO class to set the MySQL auto_increment_increment
A few days ago, I posted how to temporarily change the auto increment increment in MySQL. This post has
Feedly icon appearing over web pages
Feedly Mini shows a Feedly icon bottom right of all web pages in Google Chrome when the Feedly plugin
502 Bad Gateway error after upgrading Nginx and/or PHP
After doing an upgrade on my Debian virtual server, which upgraded PHP and Nginx, I got a "502 Bad
Purge all Google Chrome user data on a Mac
In Google Chrome you can easily purge browsing data including cookies, history, etc using the application preferences. But there
Remove password protection from a subdirectory with Apache
When a directory is password protected with Apache either with a .htaccess file or in
Using the Pandora API with PHP
Pandora is a music streaming service which can be accessed via a web browser, smartphone/tablet app or desktop
Get public properties that aren’t static with PHP Reflection
PHP has a Reflection API adds the ability to reverse-engineer classes, interfaces, functions, methods and extensions. I needed to
Create keyboard shortcut to export as PDF in Safari on OS X
I frequently export a whole bunch of web pages as PDF documents in Safari on OS X and found
HTML entities for British Pound and Euro symbols
Stop Debian “info: mpt raid status change on debian” emails when you don’t have RAID
I have a Debian virtual server running on VMWare Fusion and there’s no RAID setup configured. However, I kept
Scroll Lock Key on a Mac
I am the king of random shortcuts and always seem to hit keys when typing that have unexpected consequences,