Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP


Setting the user agent in Lynx

Lynx is a command line web browser which I often use for checking the behaviour of redirection headers and


Disable the screenshot shadow on Mac OS X

When you take screenshots on Mac OS X there’s a shadow around the screenshot by default. This post shows


Getting HTTP headers with Lynx

Lynx is a command line web browser which I often use for checking the behaviour of redirection headers and

Get the arguments used to configure Nginx source
Nginx Web Server

Get the arguments used to configure Nginx source

I’m currently managing an images server for a customer that uses Nginx on an old Debian 5 install. At some


Javascript frame buster

It’s really annoying when instead of linking directly to your site in a full browser window another site links


Show the at symbol on mobile device on screen keyboard

If you’ve used a mobile device (e.g. iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet) to fill out web forms


The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files – but there isn’t one

When trying to add some files to an images directory under git source control, my new files wouldn't


PHP email message class for extracting attachments

I've done a bit of work in the past extracting attachments from email with PHP and posted a


Extract inline image attachments from an email with PHP


Remove ads at the top of Gmail

Gmail by default shows ads above the list of emails. It’s easy to switch these off but they’re not


Cannot load from mysql.proc. The table is probably corrupted

I mistyped the name of an internal MySQL function in some code this morning and got back the error


PHP $_SERVER variables – CLI via SSH vs cron

I have a number of batch processes that run using PHP as the command interpreter, and discovered after making


Free inactive memory on Mac with FreeMemory

I’ve posted in the past about using the "purge" command line utility on Mac

Flush the exim mail queue
Email Servers

Flush the exim mail queue

I have the exim mail server running on one of my customer’s webservers. Their internal mail server hadn’t been


Fetch message parts into a flat array with PHP IMAP

The PHP IMAP functions imap_fetchstructure and imap_fetchbody are used to work out the structure of an email


How to use static variables in a PHP function

There may be times when a static variable is needed in a PHP function; static variables maintain their value

Connect to SQL Server through an SSH tunnel
Microsoft SQL Server

Connect to SQL Server through an SSH tunnel

I recently needed to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server which I couldn’t reach directly, but which is visible


Creating an SSH port tunnel with PuTTY

This post shows how to do set up a port tunnel using the PuTTY SSH client on Windows. I

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