I have a Debian virtual server running on VMWare Fusion and there’s no RAID setup configured. However, I kept getting emails with the subject "info: mpt raid status change on debian" so needed to switch the service off.
Assuming you don’t have RAID running, run the following as root, or using sudo:
/etc/init.d/mpt-statusd stop update-rc.d -f mpt-statusd remove
If you do have RAID running, then you probably don’t want to do this, and further investigation (i.e. searching Google) is required.
A little more information
My virtual server runs Debian 7, but it’s likely the commands in this post will work on older and newer versions of Debian too.
I was getting countless emails like this before I made the update:
From root@debian Wed Apr 02 15:32:16 2014 Envelope-to: root@debian Delivery-date: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 15:32:16 +1300 To: root@debian Subject: info: mpt raid status change on debian From: root <root@debian> Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 15:32:16 +1300 This is a RAID status update from mpt-statusd. The mpt-status program reports that one of the RAIDs changed state: Report from /etc/init.d/mpt-statusd on debian
You can see from the email that it’s the mpt-statusd daemon that’s sending these reports. I don’t have RAID running, so don’t need reports like this and there were hundreds of these in the mail inbox, making it difficult to see what else might be in the inbox.
If you don’t have RAID running, then shut down the daemon first:
/etc/init.d/mpt-statusd stop
And then prevent it from running again on system start up:
update-rc.d -f mpt-statusd remove
All done! As noted in the tl;dr section, if you do have RAID running, then disabling this service is probably not a good idea…