Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP


Errors Using mysqlimport to Import Data Into MySQL

The article covers the errors that can occur when using mysqlimport to import data into the popular open-source MySQL


Formatting Dates and Times with MySQL

Dates and times are stored in MySQL in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" and "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS&

Delete All Data in a MySQL Table

Delete All Data in a MySQL Table

This article looks at how to delete all the data from a MySQL database table and how it affects auto

Save a Unix manpage as plain text

This article details how to save man pages as human readable plain text files. Man page is an abbreviation


Selectively dumping data with mysqldump

mysqldump is a command line tool for outputting table structures and data and can be used for backups etc.


Executing shell commands from within the MySQL command line client

The MySQL command line client allows you to quickly and easily run sql queries from a console session, as


How to check an MD5 hash on a file

MD5 is a one-way hash algorithm which can be used for security or to verify the integrity of a


How to use a flash card reader with Linux – How to scan the SCSI bus

This article looks at how to use the sg_scan and sg_map utilities to scan the SCSI and


Enable the Web Interface for uTorrent

The uTorrent bittorrent client has a web interface which allows you to control uTorrent with a web browser. This


genisoimage/mkisofs “Incorrectly encoded string” error

While creating some ISO images for backup purposes earlier this week, I got the error message "Incorrectly encoded


Changing Apache log rotation behaviour on CentOS / RHEL

On a default install of CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the log rotation script will automatically rotate


Aliasing images to a remote server with .htaccess

When maintaing a website for a customer where there are several gigabtyes of product images that change


Changing the .htaccess filename in Apache

Apache allows the use of .htaccess files which can change certain configuration options in a per-directory basis. By default .

Editing the hosts file on Windows Vista

Editing the hosts file on Windows Vista

On Windows Vista the hosts file has a higher level of default security than earlier versions of Windows and


Stop Adobe Photoshop CS2 on Vista asking you to register

On Windows Vista, every time you start up Adobe Photoshop CS2 you are asked to register. There’s an button


Capture streaming audio and video media with HiDownload

HiDownload is a Windows program that lets you capture streaming media such as real player movies, real player audio streams

How to save a video stream to file using HiDownload

HiDownload allows you


Howto save an audio stream to file with HiDownload

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