Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP
Solution for connections tab missing in Internet Explorer options
It’s possible for a system adminstrator to prevent access to the "Connections" tab in the Internet Options
MySQL “Incorrect key file for table” error
When saving a record to a MySQL table the other day I got the error message “Incorrect key file
Test validity of email address from the command line with exim
While trying to troubleshoot why email wasn’t being delivered to one of my mail aliases on a new server
Prefix img src assets with a leading slash in SilverStripe
When inserting an image into the TinyMCE HTML editor in SilverStripe it doesn’t prefix the src attribute of the
Style the HTML hr tag with CSS
In the past I’ve fallen into the trap of creating a special class for rendering lines or separators in
Testing if a PHP include file was included
PHP’s include() and include_once() functions can return values to the calling script which can be useful for testing
Opting out of LinkedIn invite emails when not a LinkedIn member
So you don’t have a LinkedIn login or profile and you keep getting invites and followup reminders from people
Populate defaults dynamically with SilverStripe
SilverStripe allows default values to be set for fields on data objects using the static $defaults property but this
Style HTML Anchor Titles with jQuery and CSS
The title property of anchor tags in HTML show the text in black on a yellow background by default
PHP script to export table creation SQL from MySQL
I was trying to export the structure of a MySQL database using phpMyAdmin but it kept timing out and
Prevent E_DEPRECATED error messages in PHP
PHP 5.3 introduced a new error reporting level E_DEPRECATED which is triggered when deprecated functions and methods are used,
Clear the bash history
When entering commands in a bash shell each command is stored in the history which is written to the .
Float a div over a YouTube iframe
Some time back I wrote about how to float a div over Flash/Vimeo/YouTube
How to refresh the projects file tree in NetBeans
This issue has been bugging me for a while and I just worked out how to solve it: if
Calculating a page’s bounce rate with the Google Analytics API
I had an email a couple of days ago from someone asking me how to calculate the bounce rate
var_dump or print_r inside a Smarty template
While trying to debug why something wasn’t working, I needed to see what data had been assigned to a