Home / Solution for connections tab missing in Internet Explorer options

Solution for connections tab missing in Internet Explorer options

It’s possible for a system adminstrator to prevent access to the “Connections” tab in the Internet Options in Internet Explorer (which is also accessible from the Windows Control Panel). It’s trivially easy to restore the tab as shown in this post.

The missing tab

The screenshot below shows the tab that should be there that may have been removed. I’ve highlighted the tab with a red oval:

the connections tab in internet options

Restore the tab

Open up the Registry Editor (Start -> Run -> type “regedit” then <enter>) and then navigate your way to:

– Software
  – Policies
    – Microsoft
      – Internet Explorer
        – Control Panel

Double click the “ConnectionsTab” option and change the “Value Data” value from 1 to 0. The dialog that you do this in is shown in the screenshot below:

changing the connections tab value

After changing the value to 0, click “OK” and the connections tab will now be available in Internet Explorer’s Internet Options.