Home / Opting out of LinkedIn invite emails when not a LinkedIn member

Opting out of LinkedIn invite emails when not a LinkedIn member

So you don’t have a LinkedIn login or profile and you keep getting invites and followup reminders from people you don’t know via LinkedIn inviting you to join? Have you noticed there’s no way in the emails to opt-out of these emails? This post shows how to opt out of these emails.

Example email with invitation

Just for the sake of completeness, here’s an example email received when someone decided to invite me to join their LinkedIn network:

Subject: Invitation to connect on LinkedIn


I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- [person's name]

[person's details]
[link]Confirm that you know [person's name][/link]

© 2011, LinkedIn Corporation

Note the lack of an opt-out link.

Example follow up email

About three days later a follow-up email arrives just in case I’d forgotten. It looks like this:

Subject: Reminder about your invitation from [person's name]

Dear Chris,
This is a reminder that on May 27, [person's name] sent you an
invitation to become part of his or her professional network at

Follow this link to accept [person's name] invitation.

[invite link]

Signing up is free and takes less than a minute.

On May 27, [person's name] wrote:

> To: [my name and email]
> From: [person's name and email]
> Subject: Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

> Chris,
> I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.
> - [person's name]
The only way to get access to [person's name] professional network
on LinkedIn is through the following link:

[invite link]

You can remove yourself from [person's name] network at any time.

© 2011, LinkedIn Corporation

Once again, there’s no way to opt out.

So how do you opt out?

Forward a copy of the email to abuse@linkedin.com and ask to be added to their DO NOT CONTACT list. It may take a few days for them to get back to you but you should receive an email from them like so:

Per your request, the [email address] email has been added to our 
"do not contact" list. You will no longer receive any email from 
LinkedIn or our members on this email address. If you decide at a 
later date that you want to set up a LinkedIn account, you will 
need to first contact us to have your email address removed from 
the "do not contact" list.

Note that if you do this, and do wish to set up a LinkedIn account at some stage in the future then you need to email their customer support first to be able to create an account with your email address. It all seems a bit ass-backward but at least you can get out and then back in again if you want to.