Feedly icon appearing over web pages

Feedly Mini shows a Feedly icon bottom right of all web pages in Google Chrome when the Feedly plugin is installed and enabled. This post shows how to disable the icon from appearing.

Purge all Google Chrome user data on a Mac

In Google Chrome you can easily purge browsing data including cookies, history, etc using the application preferences. But there are still a bunch of files that it doesn’t touch. I was having some weird issues with my SilverStripe installs (I won’t go into that here) which didn’t happen when using incognito mode but did under normal browsing. Deleting all browsing data made no difference so I needed to really poke under the hood to delete all data.

How to download the XenServer XenCenter client

I help to manage some virtual servers running on a XenServer host and there’s a management tool call XenCenter. I needed to install XenCenter again but couldn’t manage to find the installer on the Citrix website. This post shows the issue I had and where you can download it from.

Clear a 301 redirect from Google Chrome

Google Chrome caches 301 redirects for a long time. When typing in a URL that you’ve previously visited that had a 301 redirect on it, it takes you to the redirected location without checking the server again. This could be argued as expected behavior, because it is a permanent redirection after all, but this post shows how you can remove a specific URL from the 301 cache in Chrome.

The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files – but there isn’t one

When trying to add some files to an images directory under git source control, my new files wouldn't show up and I kept getting the response "The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files" but I didn't have any .gitignore files, as far as I could tell. It turned out that I had rules in my global gitignore so this post documents where to look when you get this error.