Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP
Getting ready for HTML 5
I started working on the template for a new website today and decided to have a look at HTML 5
Debian releases and names
Debian releases are named after characters from Toy Story and are frequently referred to with the name rather than
Browser responses to the X-Frame-Options response header
The X-Frame-Options response header this morning; it can be used to prevent your website being rendered within a <
How to disable Flash in Firefox
I recently needed to test what some web pages looked like when Flash was disabled to show a prompt
Showing seconds with ls on Linux and OSX
Using the "ls" command to list directory contents from the command line with the -l flag will
Show only one process with top on Linux
Top is a useful command line tool for showing processes running on Linux such as how much CPU and
Change the commit message with git
I'm sure you've done it before: added a commit message with git but typed it in wrong
Where did “Save for Web” go in Adobe Photoshop?
Save for Web in Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 was moved on the menus from File -> Save for
View the message header and body for an email in the exim mail queue
You've checked to see what's sitting in the exim mail queue, but want to check the email'
Work out PHP’s error reporting from an integer value
This post has some example PHP code which can be used to work out which error_reporting levels are
Base64 decode from the command line
The base64 command is used to encode and decode data to and from base64. This post shows how to
Install Java on the command line with Debian
If it was nice and intuitive to install Java on Debian (and other Debian based distros such as Ubuntu),
Implement placeholders in IE8 & 9 (and other older browsers) with jQuery
HTML5 saw the introduction of the very useful placeholder attribute for input elements, but it’s not supported in Internet
Use PHP’s fputcsv without writing to a file
PHP’s fputcsv function is very useful for creating CSV files, but by default will write out to a file.
Did you run git update-server-info on the server?
This post looks at the error "fatal: https://domain/project/filename-plates.git/info/refs not found: did you
Use a different rsa identity file when using ssh
You may need to use different identity files when logging into ssh/sftp servers, so this post shows how
Setting a user’s supplementary groups on Linux
A user on Linux belongs to a primary group, which is specified in the /etc/passwd file, and can