Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP


No package ‘mono’ found when configuring xsp

While setting up mono/fastcgi for a customer on their RHEL 6 server at AWS, I got the error "

Connect to a different port with SQL Server Management Studio
Microsoft SQL Server

Connect to a different port with SQL Server Management Studio

Microsoft’s SQL Server Management Studio will connect by default to port 1433 and there’s nowhere in the connect dialog to


Escape characters in the PHP date function

It’s funny when you’ve been programming in a language for a long time and fall into odd assumptions about


Set file extension associations with Aptana Studio 3

I’ve started using Aptana Studio 3 to try it out for a while and compare it with Netbeans because Netbeans


Allowed memory size exhausted with the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser

The Simple HTML DOM Parser is a useful tool for extracting content from web pages using jQuery like syntax.


List stored procedures in MySQL

This post shows how to get a complete list of stored procedures in a MySQL database and then to


How to disable spotlight indexing on Mac OSX

Spotlight is a useful Mac app for launching apps, finding files and other stuff on your computer, and a


How to find and replace text in a MySQL database

There are a few posts on this blog about the Facebox jQuery plugin, and as I discovered this morning


Use base target to target links instead of using Javascript

It’s easy to overlook the basics sometimes and be a clever dick with some overly complicated Javascript solution when


Javascript UNIX timestamp converter

I often need to convert UNIX timestamps from log files into a human readable format and need a quick


Running Javascript functions after Disqus has loaded

Disqus is a 3rd party hosted Javascript comments system for websites which I use on several of my websites

Literal tab character on the command line on Linux BASH
Linux/Unix/BSD Quick Tips

Literal tab character on the command line on Linux BASH

So you need to put a tab on the command line when using BASH on Linux, Mac, BSD? How


Prevent an AJAX request firing twice with jQuery

I was asked on my post about showing a loading image when loading AJAX content


Disable a link from going to the href URL with jQuery

When assigning a click handler to an anchor tag with jQuery you’ll often want to then prevent the browser


MySQL connections and PHP forked processes

It is possible to fork a process with PHP and have one or more child processes running. If a


PHP script to convert MySQL tables to a new storage engine

MySQL supports multiple storage engines which each have their pros and cons; the two most commonly used are MyISAM


Toggling a password field between plain text and password

Some time back I posted how to show plain text in a password field and make it a regular


Public key not installed error when installing from Dag RPM Repository

The Dag RPM Repository contains a collection of RPM packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Fedora and others

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