Getting Transaction Check Error with Yum

I needed to install the MSSQL libraries for PHP on a CentOS 5 server and ran into a few issues when installing some of the required dependencies, getting "Transaction Check Error" error messages which indicated conflicts between files in packages.

Format a partition with the ext3 filesystem

The ext3 filesystem is a Linux filesystem with journalling capabilities. I’m always forgetting the command I need to run to format a partitition with the ext3 file system so have posted this article so I always have a easy to find reference for it… The example used here is done on the command line, and not using a GUI tool.

Prevent hostname lookups with openssh sshd

When you connect to an OpenSSH sshd server, it is configured by default to do a hostname lookup on your IP address. If there are any issues with the DNS configuration on the host machine, or with the DNS server it is using, this can lead to a delay when logging in using ssh for around 30 seconds. It is very easy to switch this host name lookup function off in the sshd_config file.

Overriding the AWStats LogFile Configuration Option

I run AWStats on one of my servers and it copies files over from some of the other servers I manage every 15 minutes and processes them. However, I had a server issue yesterday with the machine that AWStats runs on, and it meant the auto process which copies the files over and runs AWStats stopped running for about 12 hours. The end result was some lost information and needing to regenerate stats for the month to date. I needed to override the AWStats LogFile configuration directive on the command line to be able to do this.

Changing the default text editor on Linux

The default command line text editor on Linux (and BSD varaiants) determines what is used when you run commands such as "crontab -e" and is often not what you want to use yourself. Typcially vi/vim is the default text editor; many people prefer emacs or other editors, and I prefer to use nano myself.