Home / Case Studies / Flaxmill Bay Website

Flaxmill Bay Website

The Flaxmill Bay website advertises a five and a half acres (2.34 ha) development in Coromandel, New Zealand. The purpose of the website is to allow people to easily access information about the development including development information, financial issues, price list, an independent valuation and other information in the form of PDF downloads. The site itself is a brochure-ware site, containing nice images of the beach and artist’s impressions of the development, the cabins and their floorplans.

The site was designed by Iley Hewlet of idesign in Adobe Photoshop on a Macintosh. The Photoshop PSDs were then supplied to me, and I cut up and assembled the site using the Gimp on Linux and Adobe Photoshop on Windows for the graphics and the Zend Studio as my text editor on Linux. The site was entirely hand-coded. Extensive testing was done on Linux using VMWare to test in multiple versions of the major browsers across various implementations of Windows, and also on an iMac and Iley’s Macinstosh.

I decided from the outset that this site would be laid out using CSS and would confirm to XHTML 1.0 Strict. The structure of the site (particularly the homepage) meant that a CSS layout would make the job much easier than trying to use a traditional tables approach. An added bonus is that it’s made the site much more compact than it would be using a table layout.

Each page was tested using the W3C html validator service and they all conform to XHTML 1.0 Strict.

The Flaxmill Bay Website homepage.

“The Development” page.

Visit the Flaxmill Bay website