Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP
Get an image size with PHP
PHP has a function called getimagesize() for getting the width and height from an image. I’m always forgetting the
How to check if a Javascript function exists
Sometimes you might want to call a function in Javascript but check if the function exists before calling it.
Delete a file starting with a dash/hypen on Linux on the command line
So you have a file that starts with a dash/hyphen/- and need to delete it. But when
Create RSA and DSA Keys for SSH
Private and public RSA keys can be generated on Unix based systems (such as Linux and FreeBSD) to provide
MySQL Control Center Returns 1000 Rows
The MySQL Control Center is a cross platform GUI for running queries on a MySQL database server. This article
Howto Mount an ISO Image with FreeBSD
If you have created an ISO image with a utility like mkisofs or have downloaded an ISO image from
Listing tables and their structure with the MySQL Command Line Client
The MySQL Command Line client allows you to run sql queries from the a command line interface. This post
iPhone 6 and Responsive Web Design
So Apple have announced the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, featuring bigger phones than before. As a web developer creating responsive
phpMyAdmin prevent popup window for query editing
phpMyAdmin by default opens a popup window when you click the "Edit" link underneath a query. I
VMWare Writelock Disk Error
VMWare is virtual machine software that lets you run a guest operating system inside your operating system without having
Modifying the Linux Grub boot loader’s options
One of my Linux CD Mall customers emailed me the other day
Reinstall TCP/IP on Windows XP
After adding a new network interface to my Windows XP computer networking stopped working completely. I uninstalled the McAfee
Move Postgres data files when disk space is running out
I recently posted about how to move *nix application with minimal downtime, inspired by having to do this with
Man Pages – Manpage for chmod
Checking daylight savings settings on Linux
The date daylight savings starts and ends changed in New Zealand last year, but unfortunately there was only a
Determine whether PHP is being run via HTTP or CLI
PHP can be run as a webserver module, as a CGI application or from the command line as a
Postfix “file too large” error message
Running postfix on a CentOS mail server I got the following error message both in a returned email and
Unknown partition table error
After re-partitioning a hard drive by removing all existing partitions and creating a single primary parition which takes up