Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP
Using dateadd in SQL Server to add intervals to dates
Last week I posted how to use date_add() in MySQL to add intervals to
Change the download location and prompt in Google Chrome
By default Google Chrome will automatically save downloads to My DocumentsDownloads but it is possible to either specify an
View the raw email message in Gmail
In Gmail you can click the "show details" option to view some of the basic message headers
Intialise an array in PHP with default values
PHP has a useful function for initialising an array with default values called array_fill(). This post looks at
History search auto completion on the BASH shell on Ubuntu
A few days ago I posted about enabling the PageUp and PageDown keys
Change the user agent string in PHP
Most of PHP’s file functions can be used to open local files as well as remote files via HTTP
Multiple variable assignment with Javascript
About a month ago I posted how it is possible to assign multiple variables with the
Return information from PHP print_r instead of displaying it
print_r is a useful PHP function for displaying the values of an array or object when debugging etc.
Kyum graphical frontend for Yum on KDE with screenshots
undefined reference to yywrap error when compiling sysmon
I needed to add some monitoring of one of my customer’s mail servers and compiled
C++ compiler cannot create executables on Ubuntu
If you get the following error message when trying to compile some software application on Ubuntu (or Kubuntu or
Work out if a number in PHP is odd or even
Sometimes you might need to know if a number is odd or even, and this post looks at how
Update PHP from the command line with YUM
It is important to keep software up to date on your computer and web servers. I manage a few
Fix the mbstring PHP extension not found error in phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin is a web based front end to MySQL written in PHP. It likes to have the mbstring extension
Show the exim mail queue
The exim mail server has a number of command line options including being able to see what’s currently in
Create application shortcuts with Google Chrome
Google’s Chrome web browser lets you create "application shortcuts" for web pages. These are shortcuts on your
SUSE Yast No such client module sw_single
I have been running openSUSE on my primary desktop machine since December last year, and upgraded recently from openSUSE 10.2