Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP
View and delete cookies for the current website in Firefox
Firefox 3 contains information about a page including a button to click through to see what cookies have been set
Method chaining with PHP
Having used the Zend Framework on a couple of projects and spent a lot of time reading the documentation
Insert multiple records into MySQL with a single query
It is possible to insert multiple records into MySQL using a comma separated list of fields. This post looks
Switch off autocomplete for an HTML form field
Auto complete in form fields in web browsers can be extremely useful for helping a user to quickly complete
jQuery’s Facebox and Google Maps
On my soon to be launched New Zealand Running Calendar, I have the location map of the running event
Nagios trends.cgi not found error
When trying out the Nagios server monitoring software on a CentOS machine using the
Mount reiserfs partitions on CentOS 4
I needed to copy some files from an old hard drive to a machine I have running CentOS 4, but
Find the index of a string within a string with Javascript
This post looks at how to find the position of a character or a string within a string with
Validating numbers with PHP
Last week David Walsh posted about validating numeric values and digits with PHP
jQuery Facebox dialog with greyed out background
Yesterday I posted how to grey out a web page which is useful when showing a Javascript dialog box
List installed packages with YUM
This post looks at how to list the installed packages with YUM from the command line for YUM based
Installing subversion on CentOS
Subversion (SVN) is a version control system. This post looks at how to install subversion on CentOS (the process
Get the class name and parent class name in PHP
Sometimes you need to be able to get the class name or parent class name of an object in
Opening a new window with Javascript
On the odd occasion when I need to open a popup window with Javascript I always have to reach
Open a mailbox other than the INBOX with PHP IMAP
This post is part of an on-going series on this blog about connecting to IMAP mailboxes with PHP, ultimately
Setting the MySQL timezone per connection
There may be instances when you need to set your MySQL database to a different timezone from the one
Download a sequence of files with curl
In the past to download a sequence of files (e.g named blue00.png to blue09.png) I’ve used