Installing Geo IP PurePerl

I process logs on my webservers using AWStats, and use the GeoIP plugin to translate IP addresses into country codes. This article looks at how to install the Geo I PurePerl plugin, which is used by AWStats, and also how to download and install the Geo IP database files which are required by this plugin. The server I installed this onto was a CentOS 5 server, but the instructions here should work equally well on other Linux distributions.

Unknown partition table error

After re-partitioning a hard drive by removing all existing partitions and creating a single primary parition which takes up the entire disk, I formatted it as ext3, mounted it at /mnt/hdh and copied all the ISO images across from the exsting ISO drive. I rebooted, pausing to swap the disk over to a different cable, and got the error message "hdb: unknown partition table".

Installing AWStats on CentOS

AWStats provides a useful overview of website statistics from your Apache log files. There is no automatic way to install AWStats on CentOS using yum, so this article looks at how to install AWStats on CentOS. The instructions below should also work on other Linux distributions that do not have an automatic way of installing AWStats.

Checking daylight savings settings on Linux

The date daylight savings starts and ends changed in New Zealand last year, but unfortunately there was only a few months between when the decision was made and when it happened and the updates to the timezone databases on various Linux distributions wasn’t done in time in many cases. This affected many servers and services which displayed the wrong time for the couple of weeks between when daylight savings actually started and when it would have in previous years.

Install yum with rpm on CentOS

I set up a VPS (Virtual Private Server) with Net24 today with CentOS 5.0 i386 as the virtual server operating system. After logging in as root I discovered the operating system install was pretty minimal and didn’t include yum for package management, so I had to manually install yum with rpm.

Nslookup: command not found error on CentOS 5

I've just started using a VPS (Virtual Private Server) with CentOS 5.0 i386 as the virtual server operating system, but it has a pretty minimal operating system install. When I went to run the nslookup command to look up an IP address I got the error message nslookup: command not found.