Style HTML Anchor Titles with jQuery and CSS

The title property of anchor tags in HTML show the text in black on a yellow background by default in most browsers, after mousing over the anchor for a second or two. This tutorial will show you how to style the title with CSS using jQuery and a small amount of Javascript and it will appear as soon as the user mouses over the link.

Get the current page path and filename with Javascript

A couple of days ago, I needed to get the current page’s path and script filename with Javascript, excluding the protocol prefix, domain name and any parameters or hashtags which might be present. So here’s another page for future self reference and so I will remember it in the future.

TinyMCE _mcePaste divs and Webkit browsers

There is a bug in older versions of TinyMCE when using Webkit based browsers (Google Chrome and Apple’s Safari) which added and failed to remove hidden divs with the id _mcePaste. This post looks at the problem and offers two solutions: upgrade TinyMCE completely, or just upgrade the paste plugin.

jQuery: Toggling select boxes when one changes

I was asked a couple of days ago on my get and set form values with jQuery post how to make a secondary select box appear with jQuery when the first one is changed. The first might contain a list of countries and the second one some cities which changes as the country changes, allowing the user to select both their country and city. This post shows how to do this with several hidden sub-selects, and an earlier post shows how to do it with JSON and AJAX.