Using CSS letter-spacing to space out titles

I was casting about for ideas for this HTML/CSS post and came across the letter-spacing property for setting spacing between letters in CSS, a property I wasn’t previously aware of, and thought it would make a good topic. Adding spacing between letters can be an excellent way of making titles (e.g. <h1> <h2> <h3> etc …

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Change element’s properties with CSS based on body id or class

This post shows a similar technique to the one used in my CSS Sprites – making one of the buttons active with the body id post from the other day. In this post I show how to modify a particular element on a page depending on the body’s id or class. In this example it’s to change the masthead that appears at the top of the page.

Remove webkit border on input on focus

When a text input has focus it is slightly highlighted in Firefox and Internet Explorer and much more so in the the webkit based browsers (Chrome, Safari, Konqueror). Normally this behavior should be left as-is but I personally recently needed to prevent the highlighting behavior, especially in the webkit based browsers.

Cross browser transparency

The CSS3 standard introduces the opacity property for making elements opaque or transparent. Older browser also have support for opacity using various other properties and, in the case of Internet Explorer, filters. This post looks at how to achieve cross-browser, and backward compatible transparency.