Style HTML form elements optgroup and option with CSS in Internet Explorer

Last week’s HTML/CSS post looked at stlying optgroup and options with Firefox and this post does the same but for Internet Explorer. This will be followed up with posts about the same for Opera, Chrome and Safari and then I’ll present the findings in a tabular format so it’s easy to see what can and can’t be styled consistentlyacross browsers.

Using the

The <label> tag is useful in HTML forms and is an often overlooked (or not known at all) tag in the HTML coder’s arsenal. I know that I often overlook it myself. This post looks at how it is especially useful with checkboxes and radio buttons.

Blockquotes and XHTML Strict

Jeffrey Way posted an interesting tutorial about CSS Shapes at Nettuts and wrote an observation about the <blockquote> tag at the end of the post: "Did you know that, if you want your document to validate, you can’t place text directly into a blockquote? It needs to be nested within a parent element." So I decided to check it out with this post of my own using the W3C validator to check the results of my tests.