Changing the Postfix maximum email size

I’ve recently had some of my customers emailing me large image attachments and my Postfix mail server has been rejecting them. A quick look at the postfix configuration showed the message size limit was the default so I needed to increase it. This post looks at how to see what the current email message size limit is with Postfix and how to change it.

Installing maildrop on CentOS 5

I have been in the process of migrating my websites from a couple of dedicated machines to a VPS (Virtual Private Server) which has a fairly minimal base install of CentOS 5 on it. My existing mailserver runs on Gentoo Linux, running Postfix, courier-imap, maildrop, Spamassassin and ClamAV, with the mail accounts and aliases handled …

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Sendmail remote connection refused

How to enable sendmail to accept remote connections. By default most distributions (or when compiling sendmail yourself) will only allow local connections for security reasons.

Dovecot dead but subsys locked error

When you restart dovecot, if it won’t start up again it’s likely the process crashed on startup but left the subsys lockfile in place. This prevents dovecot from starting up again. If you run /etc/init.d/dovecot status and get the error message "dovecot dead but subsys locked" then you have this problem.