Gmail by default shows ads above the list of emails. It’s easy to switch these off but they’re not intuitively named when looking at Gmail’s settings. This post shows how to switch them off.
The defaults – ads above the message list
The first screenshot below shows the default setting, which is to show ads above the message list. I’ve highlighted the ad in the screenshot with a red box.

Remove the ads
To remove the ads, click the settings cog icon above-right from the message list. This will show a drop down menu where you can select the "Settings" option. This is shown in the screenshot below, with a red box around the icon and menu.

Don’t show "Web Clips"
The ads are called "Web Clips". Along the top of the settings are a series of tabs/options and you’ll see one labelled "Web Clips". Click that and then un-check the "Show my web clips above the Inbox" option. You don’t need to click a button to save; it immediately takes effect.
Again, the relevent things to click are highlighted with a red box in the screenshot below.

Now there are no ads above the message list
Now go back to your inbox and there are no longer any ads above the message list.