Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP

Export data from SQL Server to a tab file with bcp
Microsoft SQL Server

Export data from SQL Server to a tab file with bcp

The bcp command line tool allows you to import and export data from a SQL Server database into a


Argument list too long when copying/deleting/moving files on Linux

If you do a lot of command line stuff in Linux, sooner or later you’ll come across the "


Optimize tables in MySQL automatically with PHP

In previous posts I looked at how to optimize a MySQL table from the MySQL command


Optimize a table in MySQL from phpMyAdmin


Optimize a table in MySQL from the command line interface

If you have MySQL tables that grow large and then have a lot of deletes they will become fragmented

Display DNS cache on Windows

Display DNS cache on Windows

It is possible on Windows to display the DNS cache from the command line. This can be useful for


Using nohup to prevent processes stopping on disconnect

A long running process running on a Unix/Linux command line may stop running if you lose your SSH


PHP CLI counter for long running processes

I’ve been doing a reasonable amount of PHP CLI (command line interface) programming recently for getting stuff from log


Test if a file exists with the BASH shell

Often when shell scripting with BASH you need to test if a file exists (or doesn’t exist) and take


Sending email with Zend_Mail

The Zend Framework is a PHP framework with many individual components that do not require you to use the

Check Index Fragmentation with SQL Server 2000/2005
Microsoft SQL Server

Check Index Fragmentation with SQL Server 2000/2005

This post looks at how to check if an index is fragmented in a Microsoft SQL Server table and


Change Adobe Photoshop Filename Compatibility Options

Adobe Photoshop’s "Save for Web" function will truncate filenames to 31 characters by default to (apparantly) allow for

Using the FCKEditor HTML Editor with PHP

Using the FCKEditor HTML Editor with PHP

FCKeditor is an in-browser WYSIWYG HTML editor and I use it on a number of websites including in the

Email Servers Linux/Unix/BSD

logwatch “postdrop Illegal seek” and “sendmail queue file write error”

logwatch is a daily process for reporting and analyzing log files and I recently started getting errors on one


FCKEditor: Using a custom configuration file

A little while back I posted about how I upgrade FCKEditor when a new release comes out, and how


PHP Date Constants

Email Servers

Changing the Postfix maximum email size

I’ve recently had some of my customers emailing me large image attachments and my Postfix mail server has been

Unable to modify table, timeout expired errors with Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server

Unable to modify table, timeout expired errors with Microsoft SQL Server

While modifying a table in Microsoft SQL Server with about 10 million records in it, I got the error message &

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