Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP
Allowing div layers to float over Flash/Vimeo/YouTube etc
By default Flash content in a web page will appear on top of other elements on the page, including
jQuery Superfish Menus Plug-in
The Superfish jQuery plug-in creates Suckerfish style flyout menus from HTML unordered lists and is very easy to use.
How to update the GeoIP.dat file on Debian 5
As part of looking at geotargeting with PHP and GeoIP the other day I posted
How to tell if the MySQL Query Cache is enabled
The MySQL Query Cache enables query results to be cached so if the same query is run multiple times
Setting the http referer with PHP CURL
The PHP CURL functions use the libcurl library to allow you to connect to various servers and different protocols.
PHP CURL and Cookies
PHP’s CURL functions make it easy to download content from websites. Sometimes you need to be able to manage
Combine and minify Javascript files with PHP
If you’re using a Javascript library like jQuery it’s likely you’ll end up with many Javascript files that need
PHP geo targeting with the geoip functions
The PHP GeoIP library makes it easy to look up country codes and names from an IP address. It’s
Get and modify the error reporting level in PHP
PHP's error_reporting() function allows a script to check what the current error reporting level is and/or
Setting the user agent with PHP CURL
The PHP CURL functions use the libcurl library to allow you to connect to various servers and different protocols.
Submitting a form post with PHP and CURL
The PHP CURL functions use the libcurl library to allow you to connect to various servers and different protocols.
RamNode cheap virtual servers
I needed a really cheap standalone virtual server to test some stuff, on the internet and not running behind
Windows Vista “Prepare this blank disc” issue
Cross Table Delete with MySQL
Deleting records with MySQL can be done by referencing records in another table with a cross join, allowing data
Zend Framework Controller Router example
The first MVC framework I used was Code Igniter but I’ve decided to give the Zend Framwork a go
Get a MySQL table structure with DESCRIBE
There are at least two ways to get a MySQL table’s structure using SQL queries. The first is using
Get a MySQL table structure from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA
There are at least two ways to get a MySQL table’s structure using SQL queries. The first is using
nslookup: command not found error on Debian
If you need to use nslookup on a Debian server and you're getting an "nslookup: command not