Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP
Demos for getting and setting form values with jQuery
Some time back I posted how to get and set form element values with jQuery
Load data into MySQL with foreign key constraint issues Part 2
I recently showed how to load data into MySQL with foreign key constraint issues when loading a backup from
Ordering by specific field values with MySQL
There may be times when a specific order is required in a SQL query which cannot be done using
Apache and icons directory
Default installations of Apache usually alias /icons to Apache’s icons directory which cannot be overridden in an .htaccess file.
PHP’s file_get_contents and CURL functions
This is a summary of the posts I've written about PHP's file_get_contents functions when used
Required attributes for HTML5 image input
I recently validated an HTML 5 page using the W3C validator service
Prevent /etc/resolv.conf being overwritten on CentOS
This post is more of a reference for myself rather than anything else to solve an issue I was
Disabling PHP short tags in an Apache .htaccess file
PHP code in a script is commonly delimited by opening <?php and closing ?> tags but there are
Get an element’s position with Javascript
Last month I posted how to get an element’s position relative to the document with jQuery and in this
Setting 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable headers with Apache .htaccess
When temporarily taking down a website to perform maintenance, it’s a good idea to return a "503 Service Temporarily
PHP PDO DSN Connection String
PHP’s Data Objects, known as PDO, are well covered in the
How to log into SilverStripe if you’ve lost the login details
If you have lost the admin login details for a SilverStripe installation and sending an email to reset the
SilverStripe cache directory
SilverStripe by default creates a directory for caching the site manifest etc by using the PHP function getSysTempDir(). It
Which directory is that bash script in?
There may be times when you need to know the actual location a BASH script is located within the
Using Javascript’s setTimeout() with variable parameters
Javascript’s setTimeout function executes code after a specified amount of time but can only handle
Handling errors when connecting to a database using PHP PDO
PHP’s PDO database abstraction class offers a better way to connect to databases than the mysql_* etc style functions,
Show an icon in an HTML input using CSS
Today’s post is a relatively simple tip to add an icon into an HTML text input using CSS so
Disable auto renew at GoDaddy
I use GoDaddy to register my domain names and secure certificates. When a new product is bought from GoDaddy