Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP
Using filters with the Google Analytics API and PHP
The Google Analytics API allows filtering to be done on the result data before it is fetched so you
jQuery: show plain text in a password field and then make it a regular password field on focus
My last Javascript post looked at how to change the default text value on focus with
Style HTML form elements optgroup and option with CSS in Chrome
This post is part of a series looking at how to style optgroup and options with CSS. Previously I
Style HTML form elements optgroup and option with CSS in Safari
This post is part of a series looking at how to style optgroup and options with CSS. Previously I
Find which tables use INNODB with MySQL
I recently needed to find which tables across all MySQL databases on a particular server used INNODB as the
Changing the default text value on focus with jQuery
You’ve seen those cool search boxes or login fields on websites which have some default value (like e.g. &
Set PHP configuration options in an Apache virtualhost
I’ve previously looked at how to set PHP configuration options in an Apache .htaccess file which allows you to
Adobe Photoshop “The Adobe Updater could not be started” error
Running Adobe Photoshop on Windows 7 Release Candidate I get the error message "The Adobe Updater could not be
Finding the location of a string in a string with MySQL
There may be times when you need to find the location of a string within a string with MySQL.
Clear a form with Javascript
An HTML form can be reset using a reset button but this resets the form back to its original
Selecting substrings with MySQL using LOCATE and SUBSTRING
The MySQL function SUBSTRING allows you to extract a substring from a string. This post looks at how to
Style HTML form elements optgroup and option with CSS in Opera
This post is part of a series looking at how to style optgroup and options with CSS. Previously I
Javascript getYear fix
The Javascript Date object method getYear() will return a 2, 3 or 4 digit value depending on the actual year specified and
Style HTML form elements optgroup and option with CSS in Internet Explorer
Last week’s HTML/CSS post looked at stlying optgroup and options with Firefox and this post does the same
Rounding numbers with MySQL
MySQL has a number of ways of rounding numbers with the CEILING() FLOOR() ROUND() and TRUNCATE() functions.
Using the
The <label> tag is useful in HTML forms and is an often overlooked (or not known at
The Google Analytics API and PHP: A series
The Google Analytics API is a powerful tool for accessing analytics data without having to log into the web