Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP


Get data for a single page from the Google Analytics API

The Google Analytics API has a filters feature which allows you to filter the data in a variety of


PHP email validation using the Zend Framework

My last PHP post looked at how to do email validation with filter_var() which


Use jQuery’s data() method to store data in the DOM

jQuery has a .data() method for storing data in the DOM should you need to for one reason or


Substrings in Javascript with substring()

There are two ways to get substrings using Javascript using the string object's substr() and

Enable the file manager connector with FCKEditor and PHP

Enable the file manager connector with FCKEditor and PHP

By default the file manager is disabled in the FCKEditor in-browser WYSIWYG HTML editor for security reasons, so people


PHP’s unserialize function and E_NOTICE

PHP has the serialize and unserialize functions for converting data into a storable value (for example being able to


PHP script to check MySQL replication status

If you have MySQL replication running in either a master-slave or master-master type setup then don’t assume everything is


PHP email validation with filter_var

There’s no longer any need in PHP to create your own regular expressions to try to validate an email


Execute MySQL statements from a text file

It’s possible to execute statements in MySQL from a text file from the command line or from the MySQL


Substrings in Javascript with substr()

There are two ways to get substrings using Javascript using the string object's substr() and


Logging slow queries with MySQL

MySQL has a slow query log which can be enabled if you need to track down slow queries which

Count the words in an FCKeditor instance with Javascript
FCKEditor Javascript

Count the words in an FCKeditor instance with Javascript

A couple of days ago I looked at how to count the words in a textarea or input with


Disable textarea resizing for Safari and Chrome

The webkit based browsers Safari and Google Chrome allow the HTML textarea to be resized by default with a


Count the words in a textarea or input with jQuery

This post shows how to get a word count from an HTML textarea or text input using jQuery and


Change the full text index minimum word length with MySQL

The MySQL full text index by default only indexes words which are 4 characters or longer, which means on a


Accessing form elements by name with jQuery

There are a variety of ways to access elements with jQuery including by the name property of form elements (


Make jQuery Facebox loading screen auto-center

I’ve been using the jQuery Facebox dialog plugin in a couple of


Sending a username and password with PHP file_get_contents()

Last week I looked at how send a username and password with PHP CURL. Using CURL is useful because

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