Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP
Setting default values for missing parameters in a Javascript function
Javascript functions can be passed as few or as many parameters as you like – the exact number of
Content-type for Javascript with Apache
I was making some changes to an Apache configuration this morning to ensure mod_deflate was
MySQL Query Browser “The memory load of the system is extremely high” error
The MySQL Query Browser is a GUI tool for running queries on MySQL database servers. This post looks at
Resolving relative URLs to absolute in PHP
When scraping content using the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser it is useful to resolve relative URLs in a
MySQL: SQL to drop a column from a table
It’s probably more common for people to edit MySQL tables using a more visual tool such as phpMyAdmin but
Post a form to a popup window with Javascript and jQuery
I recently needed to post an HTML form into a popup window instead of targeted to the current document
Use mysqldump to get the schema only
The MySQL command line tool mysqldump is used to create backup copies (or dumps) of databases including the structure
Javascript: reference the parent window from a popup
If a window has been opened with the Javascript window.open function, that window can
Find all anchor tags in a page with PHP and the Simple HTML DOM Parser
This post shows how to download a web page and find all the link anchor tags in the page
Change the cursor with Javascript
This post shows how to change the cursor on a web page with Javascript by assigning a value to
Copying an object in PHP with clone
Objects in PHP are assigned by reference, so copying an object with the = operator will result in a second
Extract query string into an associative array with PHP
A little while back I posted how to extract the domain, path, etc from a url with PHP and
PHP list of php.ini directives
Starting an HTML ordered list with a number other than 1
Last week I looked at how to use letters and roman numerals instead of numbers
Using + to merge arrays with PHP
I’ve been working at a new job and the interesting thing when working with other people’s code is you
jQuery: Mouse co-ordinates within the element when mouseover or click an element
Following up a couple of earlier posts about get the mouse co-ordinates with jQuery and