Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP
Add an icon before or after a link with CSS
CSS has a matching syntax for selectors which makes it possible to match the filename extension at the end
Browser feature detection with jQuery $.support
Rather than working out the engine and version with Javascript for doing stuff that may
Detecting the browser engine and version with jQuery
While you ideally shouldn’t use browser detection to choose whether or not to render something in a particular fashion,
How to shrink a VMWare virtual disk
I use VMWare Server on several different computers to run virtualized Linux webservers for developing websites and for testing
Catch mutiple exception types with PHP
PHP’s try..catch can be used to catch multiple exception types. If the try block could cause one of
Google Analytics Asynchronous Tracking
Google recently released updated tracking code for Google Analytics which allows for asynchronous tracking. This means the analytics tracking
Extract the first paragraph text from a web page with PHP
This post looks at how to extract the first paragraph from an HTML page using PHP’s strpos and substr
Catch uncaught exceptions with PHP
This is the third in a series of posts about exception handling in PHP and looks at how to
Type hinting with PHP
PHP has supported type hinting for parameter functions from version 5.0 for objects and from version 5.1 for arrays. Type hinting
How to use an associative array with PHP’s str_replace function
If you are a PHP developer, I’m sure you know the str_replace function for replacing strings and are
Add a new option to a select with jQuery
My last jQuery post looked at how to count the number of options in a select
PHP Exceptions – available information
This post is part of a series about PHP exceptions and exception handling; the first post gave a basic
Viewing live Apache logs with tail, grep and egrep
There are times you may need to monitor what’s happening on an Apache web server as is happens. This
Load data into MySQL with foreign key constraint issues Part 1
One of the MySQL databases I work with has a couple of hundred INNODB tables set up with foreign
Extend PHP’s exception object
PHP’s Exception object can be extended (just as any class can be that is not declared final) which means
Replace error reporting with exception handlers with PHP
As part of a series of posts about PHP exception handling, this post looks at how to make regular
Using INSERT IGNORE with MySQL to prevent duplicate key errors
An error will occur when inserting a new record in MySQL if the primary key specified in the insert
Get the number of options in a select with jQuery
This post looks at how to get the number of options that are in a select drop down box