Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP
“Error opening terminal xterm-color” on Mac OSX Terminal
If you are connecting to a remote server from the Mac OS X terminal and get the message "
Generate thumbnails with PHP
There are many examples and tutorials online about how to generate thumbnail images with PHP but I decided to
jQuery: set title of anchor tags to the href for offsite links
Over a year ago I posted how to use jQuery to make all offsite links open in a new
Check if user is root/sudo before running a script
Sometimes a script may need to only be run as root or using sudo, or run ensuring that it
Write content into a dynamic Javascript popup from FCKEditor
In response to a question asked on my "Count the words in an FCKeditor instance
Write content into a dynamic Javascript popup
I’ve posted a few articles about the Facebox lightbox dialog recently but sometimes a quick and dirty post of
Looping through the Google Analytics API PHP class data
Thanks for Jim Snyder from www.net-netanalytics.com for pointing out my
Google Analytics PHP API: Getting data without a dimension
My Google Analytics API PHP class was initially developed assuming that a dimension would always be supplied but it
Google Analytics API dimensions vs metrics
The Google Analytics API has dimension and metric fields for getting data. If just a metric is specified then
jQuery: hide text when the page is loaded and show it later
This post is a response to a question asked on my "Show and hide an
Password protect a directory with Apache
This post is more of a self-reference than anything because there are probably fifty million other posts on the
Fix “the operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access some of the items” error on OSX
I run my webserver and file server from a virtual machine with the files shared using Samba (yes, now
Subversion Command Line Script to export changed files
A couple of days ago I posted how to export just the added/modified files
Get the Google Analytics profile id from the accounts list
Just a quick post about an easy way to get the profile id for a Google Analytics account using
Make jQuery Facebox dialog modal
The jQuery Facebox lightbox can be closed by clicking the close button, clicking anywhere outside the dialog or using
PHP class for using the Google Analytics API
Just quickly following up my post from earlier on today where I looked at how to
Load the Google Analytics API accounts list with PHP
After Google made an API available for Google Analytics the other day I started a series of posts about