Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Javascript and PHP
Using purge to free inactive memory on Mac OS X
Apple Mac OS X is generally good at memory management but I sometimes find the inactive memory takes a
I currently develop PHP based websites on a Mac using MAMP. When testing the Interspire Email Marketer API on
HTML form honeypots and autofill/autocomplete
A honeypot field in an HTML form is a hidden input field designed to work out whether or not
jQuery: Toggling select boxes when one changes
I was asked a couple of days ago on my get and set form values with
Location of MySQL’s my.cnf file
MySQL’s main configuration file is my.cnf and it is located in different locations depending on the operating system,
Multi line strings with Javascript
This post shows how to do multi line strings with Javascript. Please note that it is likely the method
PHP for loops with multiple statements in each expression
PHP for loops work in the same way as other programming languages and have a useful feature where each
PHP: get keywords from search engine referer url
This post shows how to use PHP to extract the keywords searched on by a user when they found
Password protection with Apache but allow from an IP address
I have posted how to password protect a directory and remove
Google Analytics API PHP Class – Updates May 22nd 2009
I’ve made some updates to my Google Analytics API PHP Class
PHP email validation with filter_var – updated
Just over a year ago I posted how to validate email addresses with PHP using filter_
Create thumbnails from images on a webpage with PHP
In previous posts I have looked at how to extract images from a web page with
Target links to _top with jQuery
Amazingly some people still use <frameset> and <frame> tags around the web, as I discovered
Subversion Command Line Script to export changed files V2
I recently posted a Subversion Command Line Script to export changed files and in response
Exporting only changed files in TortoiseSVN between versions
TortoiseSVN is a powerful SVN client that plugs into Windows Explorer. This post looks at how to export just
PHP Quick Tip: Check if URL aware fopen wrappers are enabled
PHP supports opening remote URLs (e.g. http://www.example.com/something.htmnl) using the fopen and similar functions.
Open a jQuery Facebox dialog programatically
A few days ago I showed a basic example using the jQuery Facebox plugin to