Show the at symbol on mobile device on screen keyboard

If you’ve used a mobile device (e.g. iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet) to fill out web forms you’ll often find the @ symbol is present on the on-screen keyboard in email fields sometimes, but not always. Use type="email" instead of type="text" in the input field and it should show the at symbol on the on-screen keyboard.

Use base target to target links instead of using Javascript

It’s easy to overlook the basics sometimes and be a clever dick with some overly complicated Javascript solution when there’s a nice easy HTML attribute that can solve the problem. In this post, I’m talking about the target attribute of the <base> tag which I suddenly had an "ohhhhh" moment with yesterday. There’s no need to use jQuery/Javascript to target links to _top, for example, just set the target in the base tag.

Style the HTML hr tag with CSS

In the past I’ve fallen into the trap of creating a special class for rendering lines or separators in an HTML document and assigning the class to a div, ending up with something like <div class="line"></div> or something along those lines. Not only is this not semantic, it’s a whole bunch of extra unecessary HTML code which can be simplified by styling and using the often forgotten <hr> tag.

Style HTML Anchor Titles with jQuery and CSS

The title property of anchor tags in HTML show the text in black on a yellow background by default in most browsers, after mousing over the anchor for a second or two. This tutorial will show you how to style the title with CSS using jQuery and a small amount of Javascript and it will appear as soon as the user mouses over the link.